[미국보딩스쿨유학] 필립스 아카데미 앤도버 소개 및 입학 안내(About Phillips Academy Andover and Admissions)

*Notable school alumni (Notable School Alumni/Alumnae)AP/고급 과정*Student BodyPhillips Academy Andover, located in Andover, Massachusetts, was founded in 1778, is a school with as long history and tradition as the founding of the United States (1776) and the Oldest Incorporated Boarding School in all areas. Above all, Phillips Academy Andover Motto calls for “Not for Self” and “Do Something Altruistic” to be more self-sacrificing and socializing “Noblesse Oblige” soils called “Non Sibi,” demanding that people sacrifice themselves more and devote themselves to discipline and study with the motto of life for colleagues, neighbors and, by extension, the world. In this sense of educational mission, Philip Academy Andover is putting the utmost effort into honing his skills and learning in the 500-acre Andover Campus, called A Microcosm of A Small Global Village, where talented people with unique and diverse cultures and noble experiences from all over the United States and around the world gather together.Furthermore, Phillips Academy Andover, founded in 1778, is an independent coeducational secondary school with an “Expensive Worldview” and an “Legacy of Academic Excellence.” Philip Academy Andover’s 2023-2024 Academy Year enrollment is 1,149 and consists of 49 overseas countries and 43 U.S. states and territories. In particular, Philip Academy Andover’s faculty consists of 80 percent of advanced degree holders with a master’s degree or higher, as well as Philip Exeter Academy. Phillips Academy Andover uses the Harkness Method, which originated from the Phillips Exeter Academy, and the deep-rooted school offers A Wide Array of Music Classes, with many taking Private Lessons through the nearby Prep School at the New England Conservatory. In addition to their studies, All Phillips Academy Andover students participate in a Work-Duty Program and are assigned to different jobs through the Different Jobs through the Year.Source: Capture Google EarthSource: Capture Google Maps*Sports토탈 스포츠 제공 29가지 개스포츠 종류(스포츠 유형) 발레, 야구, 농구, 클라이밍, 크루, 크로스 컨트리, 크로스 컨트리 러닝, 사이클, 댄스, 다이빙, 펜싱, 필드 하키, 축구, 골프, 아이스 하키, 라크로스, 노르딕 스키, 축구, 소프트볼, 스쿼시, 수영, 테니스, 트랙, 육상, 얼티밋 프리스비, 배구, 수구, 겨울 트랙, 레슬링Registration Status (2023-2024 academic year: 2023-2024 Academic Year) Number of enrolled students: 1,149 Boarding/Dormitory students: 847 Boarding/Dormitory students: 302 Students: 214 Students in 9th grade: 216 Students in 10th grade: 276 Students in 11th grade: 311 Students in 12th grade: 348 Students of color (including 20 students in Post Graduates) Percentage of international students/students in 12 percent Dormitory students 75 percent Average SAT score 1446 points Average ACT score 31 points Pre-College Preparatory School Course (Post-Graduate Year)*Tuition Cost*학교 소개(학교개요)연도(학년): 2022학년도 가장 인기 있는 25 대 대학 등록재학생수(가장 인기 있는 10개 대학 선택, #등록) 연도(학년): 2019-2021 가장 인기 있는 10 대 대학 등록재학생수(가장 인기 있는 10개 대학 선택, #등록) 예일대 14 명 30 명 이상 등록 대학 코넬대 하버드대 시카고대 14 명 코넬대 12 명 하버드대 12 명 시카고대 10 명 프린스턴대 9 명 매사추세츠공대 8 명 브라운대 720-29 명 이상 등록 대학 브라운대 컬럼비아대 매사추세츠공대 720-29 명 스탠퍼드대 터프츠대 7 명 매사추세츠대 7 명대 7 명 매사추세츠대 애머스트7 명 컬럼비아대 6 명 10-19 보스턴대 카네기 멜론대 다트머스대 노스웨스턴대 프린스턴대 매사추세츠대 애머스트대 세인트앤드류스대 세인트루이스 웨슬리언대 윌리엄스대 조지타운대 6 명 보스턴대 5 명 5 명 캐네기 멜론대 4 명 5-9 미국대 버나드대 보우든대 클레어몬트 맥케나대 콜비대 홀리크로스듀크대 에모리대 조지워싱턴대 조지앤드류스대 세인트앤드류스대 조지웨슬리언대 조지타운대 6 명 보스턴대 5 명 캐네기 멜론대 5 명 스탠퍼드대 펜실베이니아대 5 명 이상 등록 대학 밥슨대 4 명 이상 등록 대학 포드햄대 5-9 미국 bab 밥슨대 버나드대 4 명 보우든대 4 명 이상 등록 대학 맥케나대 콜비칼리지Source: Phillips Academy Andover Admissions: Capturing a virtual tour of campusFurthermore, it would be no exaggeration to say that Phillips Academy Andover’s pride lies in the following points. First, Phillips Academy Andover FM radio station WPAA, which premiered on May 1, 1965, was FM Radio Station, which broadcast from the Phillips Academy Andover campus in Andover, Massachusetts. Unfortunately, however, it began rebuilding its position on the Phillips Academy campus by 2022, focusing on the future of music after radio. Specifically, after the loss of Phillips Academy’s station equipment and radio declined overall, WPAA reorganized its resources into a music studio, providing Recording Opportunities to Student Performers and Live Sound Equipment to nearly every campus event, including the annual Spring Battle of the Bands. (Source: WIKIPEDIA The Free Encyclopedia “WPAA” English Version). In addition, another pride of Phillips Academy Endover is The Addison Gallery of American Art, an academic museum at Phillips Academy. The gallery is dedicated to the American art collection and not only presents a wide range of artworks from different eras and styles, but it also offers visitors the opportunity to explore the rich history and diversity of American art in an academic setting. Next, Philips Academy Andover’s pride includes The Phillips Academy Observatory. The Phillips Academy Observatory is located on the Roof of the Gelb Science Center. The Roof-Level Dome, installed in 2004, rotates 360 degrees and is equipped with a 16-inch DFM Schmidt-Casegrain Reflector Telescope. Through The Phillips Academy Observatory, students can observe Outstanding Views of the Sun by the Day and Wide Field Views by the Night. Lastly, Phillips Academy’s pride can refer to the Molecular Biology Research Laboratory. Above all, “Doing Science,” which is the First Goal of Andover’s Science Program, is the mechanism by which many students can learn best.” Under the lab’s scientific objectives, Phillips Academy Andover states that it is this Principle of Experiential Learning that leads the Molecular Biology Research Program.Saturday Classes NO Classroom Dress Code Casual Average Class Size 13 Students: Teacher Ratio 5:1 AP/Advanced Courses Offered 70 Teachers with ESL Courses Offered NO Advanced Degree (Master’s or higher) 80% Faculty with Advanced Degree*입학 절차(입학절차)*Academics and Faculty*We have introduced an overview of the Phillips Academy Andover through the [American Boarding School Study] section, which has been featured by the Chicago Academy. However, it will be helpful if you refer to the contents below for the overall information and application for admission to the Phillips Academy Andover. In addition, the Source of Materials and Information on the Phillips Academy Andover has been organized and edited based on the “BOARDING SCHOOL REVIEW” and the “About School and Admissions” website of the Phillips Academy Andover. For more specific details and changes, you can collect more useful information by visiting the website of the applicable school in person or by “Research/Surf.”총 과외 조직(Total Excitary Organization)178 개과외활동(Excitary)클럽 또는 조직: 3D 프린팅 클럽, 아카데미 매너 요양원 자원봉사자, 액티브마인드스 앤도버, 액티비티, 입양아 플래툰, 아프로-라틴계 미국인 사회(Af-Lat-Am), 알리안자(라틴계 학생 연합), 앰네스티 인터내셔널 클럽 및 멘토링(DREAM), 앤도버 일본어 연결, 앱 개발, ARC 버디즈, 고고학 및 역사 클럽, 아시아 소사이어티, 천문학 클럽, 바벨 외국어 잡지, 백트랙스 매거진, 베이킹 클럽, 방크로프트 초등학교 교사 보좌진, 빅 아이디어 클럽, 버드잉 클럽, 블루키 소사이어티, 보스 매거진, 브레드 앤 로지스 커뮤니티 주방 자원봉사자, 브레드 로프 펜 펠 프로그램, 브레드 로프 글쓰기 워크숍, 캘리오페(여성 아카펠라), 캠퍼스, 가톨릭 학생 펠로우십, 체스 클럽, 중국어 & 컬처 클럽, 중국 대만 학생 협회, 기독교 펠로우십 클럽, 클래식 물리학 클럽, 클러치 콜라보레이션, 모두를 위한 커뮤니티 인식(CAFE), 컴퓨터 과학 클럽, 건설 언어 클럽, 쿠랑 아트 & 문학 잡지, 요리 감상 클럽, 문화 정치 & 종교(CPR), 사이버 보안 및 포렌식 클럽, 디어 샘 웰니스 클럽, 디어필드 댄스 클럽, 디어필드 스크롤 — 학생 신문, 장애 권리, 교육, 요소, 기업가 정신 클럽, 환경 행동 그룹, 패션 디자인 클럽, 피겨 스케이팅 클럽, 영화 제작자 협회, 금융 & 정치, 금융 및 정치학 잡지, 피트니스, 프랑스 프론트라인 잡지, 정치 잡지, 디어 샘 웰니스 클럽, 디어필드 스크롤XFAM, PA Democratus, PA Liberal Action, PA Republican Society, Philomathean, Philosophy, Photography Club, 신체건강정보팀, 물리학클럽, 정치연합, Pot Pourri Yearbook, Project V.O.I.C.E.(ESL), 심리학클럽, 퀴즈볼, 리얼월드챌린지항공학, 적십자, 로보틱스클럽, 과학기술클럽, 과학기술클럽, 과학의학저널클럽, 사이언스클럽, 여학생을 위한 사이언스클럽, Se Puede After School Tutering Program, SIS 여성 임파워먼트 프로그램, 스케치코미디 글쓰기클럽, 동남아시아클럽, 스페인어, 스피치클럽, 스포츠포럼, 스포츠의학클럽, 학생활동위원회, 학생반(反) 제노사이드 연합, 의학, 테크마스터, 아동공간 자원봉사자, 더 펠로우십(FOCUS), 유니세프클럽, VOICE-외국어 잡지, 여성포럼, 워드슬램 시클럽, WPAA Radi Club, WPAA Radi ClubMeanwhile, Phillips Academy Andover is a member of the Eight Schools Association, which includes the Most Prestigious Boarding Schools in the United States. Other members of the association include Deerfile Academy, Phillips Exeter Academy, Choate Rosemary Hall, Lawrenceville School, St. Paul’s School, The Hotchikiss School, and Northfield Mount Hermon School. What’s more, Phillips Academy Andover is also a member of the Ten Schools Admissions Organization (TSAO), making it easier for students applying to these schools. In addition, Phillips Academy Andover is a member of the Six Schools League (SSL), competing with other members such as Deerfileld Academy, Choate Rosemary Hall, Phillips Exeter Academy, The Hotchkiss School, and Northfield Mount Hermon School (SSL).*합격률(합격률)We’re going to introduce [Study at the U.S. Boarding School], which is a feature story at the Chicago Academy. Today, we’re going to go into an in-depth look at Phillips Academy Andover, a prestigious boarding school in the eastern United States. Specifically, in line with the title of [American Boarding School], the Chicago Academy would like to first explain the school overview and student status, the average class size per class, the Student to Teacher ratio, the Faculty with Advanced Degree, the curriculum including AP Classes, the Admissions and Acceptance Rate, the Residences Hall Status and tuition fees, various extracurricular activities including sports on campus, and the Endowment Size, which are indispensable for the management of the boarding school. Finally, I’d like to talk about the recent status of Philip Academy Andover’s College Matriculation of Alumni and Philip Academy’s Remarkable Alumni.# AP/고급 과정 70개 제공: 자신만의 방: 여성학과 문학, 라틴 아메리카의 사회사, 가속 고급 화학, 고급 생물학, 고급 중국어, 고급 대학 화학, 회화, 도자기, 드로잉, 사진, 비디오, 고급 전자 음악, 고급 4급 독일어, 고급 라틴어 저자, 고급 이론과 작곡, 프랑스어, 아프리카 문학, 고급 주제, AP AB 미적분학, AP 가속 AB 미적분학, AP BC 미적분학, AP BC 미적분학, AP 컴퓨터 과학, AP 통계학, 응용 논리학, 건축학, 아시아(역사), 원자 아메리카: 서비스 학습, 미적분학 기반 물리학, 캘리포니아 드림, 실내 음악 공연 세미나, 문학의 아이들: 변화하는 세계에서 성장하기, 로렌스 시에서의 지역 사회 참여: 우리, 사람들(스페인), 비교 정부, 현대 미국 시, 크리에이티브 논픽션, 크리에이티브 라이팅: 시, 비판적 인종 이론: 아메리칸 드림 이연, 시사와 멀티미디어: 히스패닉 세계에 대한 접근법(스페인어), 경제 연구 콜로키움, 윤리: 환경, 현대 물리학의 기초, 그림자에 시달림, 아너스 컴퓨터 과학 세미나: 소프트웨어 디자인; 컴퓨터 그래픽스; 데이터 구조와 알고리즘, 아너스 수학 세미나: 미분 방정식; 오일러의 천재; 베이지안 통계학, 인체 해부학과 생리학, 히스패닉 문학 소개(스페인어), 베이지안 통계학, 인체 해부학과 생리학, 히스패닉 문학 소개(스페인어): 국경을 넘는 것(스페인어), 음이탈: 20세기의 음악과 국가, 극작, 인종과 비교 미국 문학, 종교와 순례, 셰익스피어, 미국 남북전쟁, 인쇄물로 된 인터넷, 중동, 조각으로 된 세계: 아방가르드의 시와 영화, 20세기 드라마, 미국 역사, 라틴 아메리카의 이해(스페인어), 작가 심층기부금 규모(기부금 규모)(2022년 6월 30일 기준)12억 9,000만 달러(1,134만 달러)(2022년 년 6 월 30 일 현재)연간 학비(연간 등록금 및 수수료: 숙식)(기숙사 학생: 기숙사생)총 등록금 및 수수료: 69,600달러(2023-24 학년도)연간 수업료(연간 등록금 및 기술 수수료)(통학 학생: 주간 학생)총 등록금 및 수수료: 53,950달러(2023-24 학년도)재정 보조를 받는 학생 비율(% 재정 지원 학생)45% 평균 재정 지원 보조금(평균 재정 지원 보조금)약 43,000달러(재학생을 위한 평균보조금: 귀국 학생 평균 보조금)성적 우수 장학금 제공(장학금 제공)NO*College Matriculation Source: Phillips Academy Andover MatriculationsNotable alumni o George Herbert Walker Bush or George H. W. Bush: George H. W. Bush joined the Navy as soon as he graduated from Phillips Academy Andover, becoming a Carrier Pilot, and was honored by the Navy after Japan surrendered in August 1945. It must be a Stellar Legacy. o George Walker Bush or George W. Bush: George W. Bush was a pretty big man at the Phillips Academy Andover Campus, whose nicknames were Lip and Tweeds, and he was also the Male Cheerleader. He served as the Governor of Texas and as the 43rd President of the United States twice. As a result, George W. Bush, along with his father, George Herbert Walker Bush, became the second president of the United States, John Adams (Term: 1797–1801), and the sixth president, John Quincy Adams (Term: 1825-1829), the Second Father and Son President in the History of the United States. As such, George W. Bush did a great job for himself. And as George W. Bush became the owner of the Texas Rangers MLB team, he was able to gain the popularity of Texans by always coming out to the stand with his home stadium fans and enjoying games whenever there was a professional baseball game. Jeb Bush: The son of the 41st President of the United States George Herbert Walker Bush and brother of the 43rd President of the United States George Walker Bush, the 43rd President of the United States. Jeb Bush was a more serious student in Phillips Academy Andover than his brother George W. Bush. After graduating from the University of Texas, he entered politics and became the Republican governor of Florida His move took a toll, and Jeb Bush eventually ended up being called “Dropped out of the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination Race.” o John F. Kennedy Jr.: One of Phillips Academy Andover’s most celebrated and most tragically deceased graduates. Most of all, after the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, young John F. Kennedy Jr. was able to elicit sympathy and sympathy from the American public the moment he was exposed to the media as a brave salute to his father’s coffin as a little boy. John F. Kennedy Jr., who was considered the most likely sculptural handsome and handsome man to succeed with Hollywood Good Looks and Confidence, was seen at the Big Man on the Andover Campus. Of course, after graduating from Phillips Academy Andover, he was a graduate of The Ivy League schools, Brown University and New York UniversitySchool Address 180 Main StreetAndover, MA 01810 Admissions Office Phone (978) 749-4050 Email [email protected] Website (URL) Available in grades 9-12 (dormitory), post-graduate (PG) School Type, Religious Affiliation, Non-denominational Year 1778 Campus Size, 500 acres (612,102 pyeong)입학원서 마감일(입학 원서접수 마감) 재정신청 마감일(재정지원 신청 마감) 2 월 1 일(2월 1일) ‘표준화된 원서 신청서 접수(표준화 신청 접수)’ ‘게이트웨이 프렙 스쿨 온라인 지원서(예비학교 온라인 신청 관문)’ 추천서(추천서)’ 를 이용(추천서 양식을 위한 예비학교 온라인 신청 관문): 교장/상담교사 추천서(교장/상담사 추천)-현재 영어 교사 추천서(현재 영어교사 추천)-현재 수학 교사 추천서(현재 수학교사 추천)-개인 추천(개인 추천): 특별 관심 분야 추천(선택사항: 특수 흥미 추천)-선택 사항: 예술 또는 운동 추천서(선택사항: 예술 또는 체육 보충) 학교 성적증명서/생활기록부(학교 성적/학교 보고서) 2 년간의 학업 기록과 함께 현재 성적 포함표준화된 영어 시험 성적 제출(제출 표준화 시험: SSAT, ISEE, SAT/PSAT, ACT)* 지원자는 ‘표준화된 시험'(표준화 시험) 보완가능. 9 학년 및 10 학년 지원자(9TH 및 10TH 지원자): ISEE 점수 제출 11 학년, 12 학년 및 예비대학 지원자(11TH GREADY, 12TH 및 대학원 지원자): PSAT, SAT 또는 ACT 점수 제출국제 학생 영어 유창성 시험 성적제출(제출 국제 학생 영어/언어 능력 시험) * 모든 학년 수준의 국제 학생(모든 학년 수준의 국제 학생): 모국어(원어민) 가 영어(영어) 가 아니며 ‘영어가 주요 수업 언어인 학교’ 에 다니지 않는 학생(영어가 모국어가 아니며 영어를 기본 언어로 사용하는 학교에 다니지 않는 학생) – TOEFL iBT, IELTS 또는 ‘듀오링고 영어 시험'(듀올링고 영어 시험) * 필립스 아카데미 앤도버'(필립스 아카데미 앤 오버) 에 ‘입학한 해외 유학생'(필립스 아카데미 점 이상 점수 획득) 성적 증명서에는 지난 ‘점 이상'(입학 국제 학생): 100 토플: iBT – 아이엘츠 100 – 또는: iBT – 에 응시한 후 성적 제출 100 – 으로 지원서In particular, the emphasis on Phillips Academy Andover is laid out in the Phillips Academy Andover’s Constitution. The Phillips Academy Andover’s Constitution imposes an obligation on teachers to teach “Youth from Every Quarter” to equally aspire to “Knowledge and Goodness.” This “Obligation” motivates students to develop “In Themselves and Others,” “For Others” and “For Others,” and “For Others.” Phillips Academy Andover “is committed to fostering a deliberately diverse and inclusive community that encourages students and adults to respect, inspire, and learn from each other.” The Phillips Academy community encourages a balance between the Pursuit of Academic, Civil, and Moral Excellence in order to “pursue academic, moral excellence” according to the ideology of non-sibi, which leads a life “not for oneself.”Step 1: Complete the Candidate Profile (STEP 1) Using the Gateway to Prep Schools Website and Submit it to Phillips Academy Andover: Complete the Candidate Profile (Part One of the Application) on the Gateway to Prep Schools Website and Submit it to Phillips Academy Andover *Receive an email with support portal login credentials 24 hours after submission Step 2: Using the Supporting Applicants’ Application Portal Login Credentials by choosing one of the following options:-On-Campus Interview (limited)city) *Include campus tours in all campus interviews -Virtual Interview (Limited Availability) -Personal Video Submission (Open Availability) *Applicants are recommended to take a campus tour or live virtual tour if possible Step 3: Optional Testing *Application can be supplemented by ‘Standardized Tests’ for applicants in 9TH AND 10TH GRADE APPLICANTS: SSAT or ISEE SCORE SUBMISSION 11TH GRADE, 12TH GRADE, AND POST GRADE APPLICANTS: PSAT, SAT or ACT SCORE SUBMISSION *International students at all grade levels (INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AT ALL GRADE LEVELS): Students whose native language is not English and who do not attend ‘school where English is the main teaching language’ (Students Who Are Naturals)Give Language Is Not English And Who Do Not Attend a School Where English is the Primary Language of Instruction) – Take the TOEFL iBT, IELTS or the Duolingo English Test and submit your grades *Admitted International Students who have entered the Phillips Academy Andover: Score 100 or more: – TOEFL: iBT 100 or more-IELTS: 7.5 or more-Duolingo English test: *If you are unable to submit a TOEFL iBT, IELTS or Duolingo English test: 125 or more *Due to financial problems or COVID-19 restrictions: Email us or call (978) 749-4050 (STEP 4: Complete Your Application) *The rest of the application will be submitted through the Gateway to Prep Schools website: Graduated Writing Sample)-Short Answers and Essays-Parent/Guardian Statement-Current Academic Year Grades-Previous Grades-Principal/Counselor Recommendation-Current English Teacher Recommendation-Current English Teacher Recommendation-Personal Recommendation-Optional: Special Interest in Areas of Interest (Optional) -Optional: Arts or Athletics Supplement 5: If Applicable (STEP 5: If Applicable) Financial Aid: Complete and Submit Financial Aid by Feb. 1 Step 6: Optional Character Skills Snapshotsls Snapshot) This year (2023-2024 Academic Year) SSAT is not required, but offers the option to stare at the Character Skills Snapshot if desired. Configuring it as an attractive self-inventory exercise that applicants enjoy writing. Note: Even if applicants choose the Characteristics Snapshot (CSS), the Admission Committee will not see results after the March 10 decision announcement date. The results of the Characteristics Snapshot (CSS) may be used for a student’s Onboarding Purpose (Onboarding Purpose) but will not be used for admissionIntroduction to Phillips Academy Andover and Admissions: About Phillips Academy Andover and Admissions* We would like to inform you that the photos below used by the Chicago Academy for posting were not problematic in all areas because they were taken directly by the Chicago Academy members in the United States. We would also like to inform you that unauthorized theft or copying of content and photos used in the Chicago Academy’s blog posting may be subject to legal punishment under Article 136 (1) 1 of the Copyright Act.*External activities (Extracurriculars)Finally, the Phillips Academy Andover Renowned Alumni has several alumni: First, George Herbert Walker Bush or George H.W. Bush. George H. W. Bush joined the Navy as soon as he graduated from Phillips Academy Andover, becoming a Carrier Pilot, and being honored by the Navy after Japan surrendered in August 1945. Afterwards, George H. W. Bush went on to study at Yale University and became a wealthy Texas oilman, senator, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, the CIA, Vice President, and finally the 41st President of the United States. It must be a Stellar Legacy. In addition, one can refer to George Walker Bush or George W. Bush. George W. Bush was a pretty big guy at the Phillips Academy Andover Campus, and his nicknames were Lip and Tweeds, and he was also a male cheerleader. He served as the Governor of Texas and as the 43rd President of the United States twice. As a result, George W. Bush, along with his father, George Herbert Walker Bush, became the second President of the United States John Adams (Term: 1797-1801) and the sixth President John Quincy Adams (Term: the Sixth President John Quincy Adams) after Term: 1825-1829 to become the second President of the United States. As such, Old Tweeds did a great job for himself. And as George W. Bush became the owner of the Texas Rangers MLB team, he was able to gain the popularity of Texans by always coming to the stand with his home stadium fans to enjoy games whenever there was a professional baseball game. Additionally, Jeb Bush is one of the notable alumni of the Phillips Academy Andover Renowned Alumni. Jeb Bush, the son of the 41st President of the United States George Herbert Walker Bush and brother of the 43rd President of the United States George Walker Bush, took a serious toll on his political career when he met Donald Trump, a man nicknamed “Low Energy Jeb,” in Phillips Academy Andover, Jeb Bush eventually ended up being “Dropped out of the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination Race.” John F. Kennedy Jr.: One of Phillips Academy Andover’s most celebrated and most tragically the one who passed away. Above all, after the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy Jr. on Nov. 22, 1963, young John F. Kennedy Jr. was able to elicit sympathy and sympathy from the American public the moment he was exposed through the media to bravely “salute” his father’s coffin as a child. John F. Kennedy Jr., who was considered the best sculptural handsome and handsome man who was considered the most likely to succeed with “Hollywood Good looks and confidence,” has been named the BigFirst of all, Phillips Academy Andover is the First Private Secondary School in the United States, which established and implemented the Need-Blind Admission Policy. That is, it states, “We encourage all eligible applicants to consider Andover, regardless of whether the Phillips Academy Andover Applicants can afford the full tuition at Andover.” As a result, “After entering Philip’s Academy Andover,” applicants can be confident that they can meet the “financial needs” determined by the Andover’s Financial Aid Office. (Source: Philips Academy Andover Tuition and Fees Information Website). Specifically, it means that “even if an Endover applicant applies for a ‘Financial Aid’ (Financial Aid/Financial Aid Grant) to receive tuition, Endover’s Admissions Committee comprehensively assesses the student’s ability to pay tuition and does not affect admission/passage.” Thanks to this policy, “Philips Academy Andover is 100% able to meet Family’s demonstrated financial needs through grants.” Of course, this Need-Blind Admissions Process is currently being evaluated by Colleges in the United States without regard to the ability of applicants’ families to pay tuition and tuition at all. Nevertheless, Only Five U.S. Colleges, including Yale University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Princeton University, and Amherst College in the United States, are offering Need-Blind Admission to all students, including Full-Need Financial Aid.

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