어린이집 유치원 생일선물 답례품, 수제쿠키 추천!

So far, I will end the posting of a new cafe in our neighborhood, Manwolgyeong, after making a reservation for a return a day earlier and leaving a thank you message. Oh, and since you also run a Kakao channel, you can make a reservation for dessert even if you contact there, so please refer to it~http://pf.kakao.com/_xaxkFJG

Songdo branch in Incheon (@mwg_songdo) • 80 Instagram photos and videos followers, 44 followers, 49 posts – View Instagram photos and videos of Songdo branch in Incheon (@mwg_songdo) in Manwol.instagram.comMacaroons are delicious, but they’re not desserts that make me full, so I ordered cookies and Financiers by type because I was hungry. There are 3 kinds of Financiers, but Oreo Financiers are sold out, so I ate orange Financiers and rotus Financiers. Personally, orange Financiers are not very sweet, so I thought it would be okay for 2-3 years old to eat them. The cookies were also deliciously short pieces, and I remember the taste of chewing chocolate was excellent..And the taste is delicious, but you can buy it in bulk at the cafe, and if you make a reservation, you can get a gift wrapping service, so I contacted you right away on Instagram… lol www.instagram.com/mwg_songdo?igsh=MTJwZjJ1MGhwYTN3dA==As soon as I sent the dm, they responded immediately, so I asked if it was possible, and they asked me how many were there, and I asked if it was possible to have 20 cookies and 20 Financiers. Instead, the unit price was a little higher than I expected, so I asked for a baby jelly instead of Financiers. I made a reservation yesterday and went to pick up a gift in return for the daycare center’s birthday today. I got it today because I have to bring it to you tomorrow. They even gift-wrap it, but it’s only 3,000 won per unit, so I’m so satisfied that I’m leaving a post like this. :)출 Unsplash, , UnsplashThe picture the cafe owner sent me lol. I made a reservation a day ago, so he said the cookies were randomly included.My husband finished the picture and took it. I’m so proud of you. How can you make the fan shape up there? So I was thinking about doing the 20 return missions in one day. The return items I’ve received so far usually include toothbrushes, forks, and rice cakes. There were many that cost less than 3,000 won each. 🙂 So I was looking for a return item at that price, but I thought it would be hard to give high-quality items at that price, so I reserved a dessert box. lolI went to play with my family and ordered different kinds lol (except macaron)Café Manwol, Incheon Songdo Branch, Incheon Tower-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 393-104 Shopping CenterThere are many people who have to prepare gifts for a year. When you receive a gift, you must give it back in return. Instead, we cannot have a birthday party every month in this case. It is usually done quarterly or bimonthly. Except for vacation, we do it about 4-5 times, right? We also buy birthday gifts for about five people every 2-3 months for each upcoming birthday. Last night, while I was sleeping with my kids, my husband packed gifts for birthday friends.There are more kinds of drinks than I thought. Catchtiniping apple flavor, milk flavor, Pororo drink, and two types of iton Catchtiniping milk lol Catchtiniping milk contains about 50% calcium, zinc, and vitamin d per day, so it would be good as a nutritional supplement for children.존슨, 출처 언스플래시Café Manwolgyeong Incheon Songdo Branch The moonlight where whales swim, Cafe Manwolgyeong Incheon Songdo Branch. pf.kakao.comTomorrow is the day of the birthday party at the daycare center for my daughter (age 2). Parents with babies know, but you know you can’t just give them a gift for their birthday and end it, right? You should prepare a “gift” that you give back because you gave them a gift to give them the joy of giving and receiving. It depends on the daycare center and kindergarten. There are places where each class has a separate birthday party, and there are places where only classmates give and receive birthday gifts, while there are places where everyone is 0, 1, 2, and 3 years old. Of course, the latter is difficult.Have a great day like your birthday, everyoneIt’s a cafe that I often visit, but the cookies here are the best in terms of quality and all kinds of food are delicious.

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