안녕하세요 이화여자대학교 태솔학생대표 Blair 입니다! 이번에는 이화여대 태솔학과 재학생/졸업생분들의 인터뷰 영상을 올립니다^^다양한 영어교육자와 영어교육에 관심있는 분들로 구성된 대학원입니다! 인터뷰 영상을 봅시다 안녕하세요 이화여자대학교 태솔학생대표 Blair 입니다! 이번에는 이화여대 태솔학과 재학생/졸업생분들의 인터뷰 영상을 올립니다^^다양한 영어교육자와 영어교육에 관심있는 분들로 구성된 대학원입니다! 인터뷰 영상을 봅시다
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Selection schedule (early 2021 school year) Foreign Language Education Special Graduate School Home Page: http://tfl.ewha.ac.kr Selection Schedule (early 2021 school year) Foreign Language Education Special Graduate School Home Page: http://tfl.ewha.ac.kr
Category Date and Time Notes Internet Application Acceptance Tuesday, October 13, 2020 10:00 to 11.10 (Tue) 17:00 Applications are accepted only through the Internet (www.uwayapply.com ) Application for admission (output book) and submission of documents October 13, 2020 (Tue) 10:00 to 11/11 (Wednesday) 17:00 Registration (Home Delivery) Mailing and Visit Acceptance November 11, 2020 (Wednesday) Interview with Hanham for arrival by 17:00 (word of mouth) Selection 2020 Notice of Acceptance of Foreign Language Education Special Graduate School Final acceptance letter KRW 27 Classification date and time Notes Internet application accepted Tuesday, October 13, 2020 10:00 to 11.10 (Tue) 17:00 Applications are accepted only through the Internet (www.uwayapply.com ) Application for admission (output book) and submission of documents October 13, 2020 (Tue) 10:00 to 11/11 (Wednesday) 17:00 Registration (Home Delivery) Mailing and Visit Acceptance November 11, 2020 (Wednesday) Interview with Hanham for arrival by 17:00 (word of mouth) Selection 2020 Notice of Acceptance of Foreign Language Education Special Graduate School Final acceptance letter KRW 27